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Looking for gov data…

if you need to source some government data then this site may help The about section describes it as follows:

The NationalMap is a website for map-based access to spatial data from Australian government agencies. It is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the software has been developed by NICTA working closely with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Geoscience Australia and other government agencies.

The NationalMap is a fully open architecture. When you access data through it, you are typically accessing the data directly from the government department or agency which is the custodian of that data.

Similar to what NZ government setup years ago at…but were missing the features where you can extract data from the service :( Maybe a future release.

PostGIS 2.0 final release is here!

With the following words Paul Ramsey announced the PostGIS 2.0 release this morning via the postgis-user thread:

The PostGIS development team is super excited,
can hardly believe that they are actually doing this,
aren’t maybe even sure that they are ready to make
this kind of commitment, not so young, and not when
we have so much more living to do, but:

PostGIS 2.0.0 is complete and available for download.

The development process for 2.0 has been very long,
but has resulted in a release with a number of exciting
new features.

* Raster data and raster/vector analysis in the database
* Topological models to handle objects with shared boundaries
* PostgreSQL typmod integration, for an automagical
geometry_columns table
* 3D and 4D indexing
* Index-based high performance nearest-neighbour searching
* Many more vector functions including
* ST_Split
* ST_Node
* ST_MakeValid
* ST_OffsetCurve
* ST_ConcaveHull
* ST_AsX3D
* ST_GeomFromGeoJSON
* ST_3DDistance
* Integration with the PostgreSQL 9.1 extension system
* Improved commandline shapefile loader/dumper
* Multi-file import support in the shapefile GUI
* Multi-table export support in the shapefile GUI
* A geo-coder optimized for free US Census
TIGER (2010) data

We are greatly indebted to our large community of beta testers
who valiantly tested PostGIS 2.0.0 and reported bugs so we could
squash them before release time.

And also we want to thank our parents for making PostGIS possible.


The PostGIS development team

Well done guys!